總活動精蟲數量<200萬 IUI懷孕率幾乎為零
總活動精蟲數量>200萬 或更多 懷孕率並無明顯統計差異
J Assist Reprod Genet
Optimizing pregnancy outcomes in intrauterine insemination cycles by stratifying pre-wash total motile count and patient-specific factors: a patient counseling tool
Methods: This was a retrospective cohort study of first completed IUI cycles at two academic fertility centers from 5/2015 to 9/2019. Cycles were stratified by pre-wash TMC, maternal age, AMH level, stimulation regimen, and infertility diagnosis. The primary outcome was CPR and secondary outcomes were live birth and miscarriage.
Results: One thousand one hundred fifty-four cycles were analyzed. Of the 162 cycles that resulted in a CPR (14.0%), most had an insemination TMC > 20 million. Compared to TMC > 20 million, there was no difference in CPR or LBR for lower TMC categories, excluding the TMC < 2 million group, in which there were no pregnancies. When TMC was stratified by deciles, there was also no difference in CPR and LBR, including within the lowest decile (TMC 0.09-8.6 million). Younger age and higher ovarian reserve parameters were associated with higher pregnancy and LBR when stratified by TMC. There was no difference in pregnancy and LBR when considering different stimulation protocols.
Conclusions: Our data suggest that pregnancy and LBR are equivalent above a TMC of 2 million. Data stratified by TMC and patient parameters can be used to counsel patients pursuing ART.