
適量補充Cu  Zn有助於防止流產

 2019 Jul;13(2):97-101. doi: 10.22074/ijfs.2019.5586. Epub 2019 Apr 27.

Correlation of Copper and Zinc in Spontaneous Abortion.



Humans require minute amounts of trace metals to maintain body's normal growth and physiological functions; such elements may also play a vital role in pregnancy and pregnancy outcome. The present study was conducted to assess the role of two trace metals, zinc (Zn) and copper (Cu) in women with history of spontaneous abortion (SAb cases) in comparison to women without such history (controls).


In this retrospective study, a total of 277 subjects were enrolled from the Obstetrics and Gynecology Department, Civil Hospital, Ahmedabad, India. Personal demographic information, medical history, reproductive history especially details of number of SAb, duration of last SAb, number of children, etc. were recorded using predesigned and pre-tested proforma. Serum Zn and Cu levels were measured by an atomic absorption spectrophotometer.


The data indicated that the serum level of Cu (P<0.01) and Zn was lower in SAb cases as compared to controls. Correlation between the number of SAbs and trace metals levels showed a significant negative correlation between Cu and Cu/Zn and the number of SAbs. Cu/Zn was higher in controls and women having at least one child as compared cases and women without child, respectively. Pregnant women had higher levels of trace elements as compared to non-pregnant women at the time of enrollment.


The data revealed that trace metals such as Zn and Cu have a positive role in pregnancy outcome and optimum levels of Zn and Cu might be able to decline the chances of SAb occurrence in addition to other factors. The ratio of Cu/Zn has a positive role in reproductive outcomes.

