- 粒線體(Mitochondria)是在細胞中產生能量的重要胞器,擁有自己的環狀DNA(mtDNA)及基因組。相較於細胞核基因體(Nuclear genome)具33億鹼基對、約2萬個基因,粒線體基因體(mitochondrial genome)僅有16,569個鹼基對、37個基因,主要負責人體細胞行呼吸作用以產生能量的功能[1]。
- 當粒線體當中的基因產生突變時,可造成能量密集型組織如大腦、心臟、肝臟以及肌肉等功能的異常與損害。許多粒線體疾病是無藥可治且致命的,比如導致中樞神經系統發生退化性損傷的兒童罕見疾病:萊氏綜合症(Leigh syndrome),罹患此病的孩童多於2至3歲前死亡[2]。
- 孩童粒線體的唯一來源為母親,因受精時位於精子尾部的粒線體並不會進入卵子,故子代的粒線體皆來自卵子細胞質中的粒線體,若母親的粒線體DNA具有致病突變,此突變極可能遺傳至子女。
- 粒線體置換療法(mitochondrial replacement therapy, MRT)為一種輔助生殖技術,利用捐贈者的正常粒線體來替換卵子或胚胎中有缺陷的粒線體,使攜帶罕見遺傳疾病基因的婦女有機會生下健康的嬰兒。但這也意味著後代將攜帶來自「一父二母」三親的DNA,
- 「三親嬰兒」體內絕大部分的DNA(超過99.8%)依舊來自他們的父母,但還有大約0.1%的遺傳物質來自粒線體捐贈女性,而該項療法預估將可有效防止腦損傷、肌肉萎縮等重大遺傳性疾病的發生。
- PNT 後,大多數 (79%) 囊胚中的 mtDNA 殘留量減少至 <2%。
- PNT 有可能降低 mtDNA 疾病的風險,但可能無法保證預防。
- 減數分裂完成後不久移植 PN 可以提高存活率。
- 早期 PNT (ePNT) 可促進生存(92% vs 晚期 PNT 59%)。
- 與 LtPNT 相比,ePNT 受精卵存活率的提高(系列 I)改善了囊胚的形成
- ePNT不會導致非整倍體囊胚發生率增加。
- ePNT 受精卵表現出正常的 PN 鄰接和分裂至 2 細胞階段,表明精子中心粒功能沒有被破壞。
- 患者卵母細胞而不是供體卵母細胞的玻璃化冷凍可能會最大限度地減少線粒體 DNA 殘留。
- 患者卵母細胞變得容易受到與年齡相關的減數分裂非整倍體影響之前儲存患者卵母細胞的額外優勢
Towards clinical application of pronuclear transfer to prevent mitochondrial DNA disease
- This promotes efficient development to the blastocyst stage with no detectable effect on aneuploidy or gene expression.
- After optimization, mtDNA carryover was reduced to <2% in the majority (79%) of PNT blastocysts.
- The importance of reducing carryover to the lowest possible levels is highlighted by a progressive increase in heteroplasmy in a stem cell line derived from a PNT blastocyst with 4% mtDNA carryover.
- PNT has the potential to reduce the risk of mtDNA disease, but it may not guarantee prevention.
- Transplantation of the nuclear genome between oocytes arrested at metaphase of meiosis II (MII) is associated with a high incidence of abnormal fertilization.
- Our data indicate that early PNT (ePNT) promotes survival (92% vs 59% for late PNT).
- ePNT zygotes showed normal PN abuttal and division to the 2-cell stage, indicating that sperm centriole function was not disrupted.
- Increased survival of ePNT zygotes (Series I) resulted in improved blastocyst formation compared with LtPNT
- ePNT procedure does not result in an increased incidence of aneuploid blastocysts.
- Transplanting the PN shortly after completion of meiosis resulted in improved survival.
- Vitrification of patient rather than donor oocytes will likely minimize mtDNA carryover.
- This offers the added advantage of stockpiling patient oocytes before they become susceptible to age-related meiotic aneuploidy