植入前非整倍體基因檢測(PGT-A)的使用一直在穩定增加。用於 24 染色體分析的基礎技術繼續快速發展。
PGT-A 作為所有接受體外受精患者的常規篩檢測試的價值尚未得到證實。
儘管一些早期的單中心研究報告稱,預後良好的患者在PGT-A 後的活產率較高,
透過冷凍胚胎移植的整體妊娠結局在PGT-A 之間是相似的。
PGT-A 降低臨床流產風險的價值尚不清楚。
結論: 美國不孕權威期刊仍不建議常規使用PGT於所有試管病患,
植入前非整倍體基因檢測(PGT-A)的使用一直在穩定增加。用於 24 染色體分析的基礎技術繼續快速發展。
PGT-A 作為所有接受體外受精患者的常規篩檢測試的價值尚未得到證實。
儘管一些早期的單中心研究報告稱,預後良好的患者在PGT-A 後的活產率較高,
透過冷凍胚胎移植的整體妊娠結局在PGT-A 之間是相似的。
PGT-A 降低臨床流產風險的價值尚不清楚。
結論: 美國不孕權威期刊仍不建議常規使用PGT於所有試管病患,
Diazepam 安眠藥使用於胚胎植入期間對於懷孕率活產律無明顯影響
Methods: Data from 5607 embryo transfers, encompassing 465 cases with diazepam administration, were retrospectively analyzed. The study included single blastocyst transfers from 12 clinics in Portugal and Spain between January 2015 and December 2022.
Results: Comparison of reproductive outcomes between patients receiving diazepam and those who did not showed no statistically significant differences. Positive beta-hCG rates (60.8% non-diazepam vs. 60.4% diazepam, p = 0.92, adjusted p = 0.32) and clinical pregnancy rates (45.6% non-diazepam vs. 46.2% diazepam, p = 0.81, adjusted p = 0.11) were comparable. Miscarriage rates (11.0% diazepam vs. 9.3% non-diazepam, p = 0.25, adjusted p = 0.26) and ectopic pregnancy rates (0.9% diazepam vs. 0.1% non-diazepam, p = 0.1, adjusted p = 0.20) were similar. Live birth rates (36.3% non-diazepam vs. 35.3% diazepam, p = 0.69, adjusted p = 0.82) and prematurity rates (0.3% non-diazepam vs. 0% diazepam, p > 0.99, adjusted p = 0.99) also exhibited no statistically significant differences.
Conclusions: Based on the results, diazepam administration during embryo transfer did not show a discernible impact on reproductive outcomes, including live birth rates, suggesting its limited effectiveness in enhancing success.