
植入前非整倍體基因檢測(PGT-A)的使用一直在穩定增加。用於 24 染色體分析的基礎技術繼續快速發展。 

PGT-A 作為所有接受體外受精患者的常規篩檢測試的價值尚未得到證實。

儘管一些早期的單中心研究報告稱,預後良好的患者在PGT-A 後的活產率較高,


透過冷凍胚胎移植的整體妊娠結局在PGT-A 之間是相似的。

PGT-A 降低臨床流產風險的價值尚不清楚。 

結論:  美國不孕權威期刊仍不建議常規使用PGT於所有試管病患,

The use of preimplantation genetic testing for aneuploidy: a committee opinion

The use of preimplantation genetic testing for aneuploidy (PGT-A) in the United States has been increasing steadily. Moreover, the underlying technology used for 24-chromosome analysis continues to evolve rapidly. The value of PGT-A as a routine screening test for all patients undergoing in vitro fertilization has not been demonstrated. Although some earlier single-center studies reported higher live-birth rates after PGT-A in favorable-prognosis patients, recent multicenter, randomized control trials in women with available blastocysts concluded that the overall pregnancy outcomes via frozen embryo transfer were similar between PGT-A and conventional in vitro fertilization. The value of PGT-A to lower the risk of clinical miscarriage is also unclear, although these studies have important limitations. This document replaces the document of the same name, last published in 2018.

