

間隔時間超過 1 小時 會顯著影響胚胎存活和臨床結果 

2021 Aug;29(4):276-281.
 doi: 10.1017/S0967199420000866. Epub 2021 Feb 18.

Prolonged interval time between blastocyst biopsy and vitrification compromised the outcomes in preimplantation genetic testing

  • These cycles were divided into three groups according to the interval times: <1 h group, 1-2 h group, and ≥2 h group.
  • In PGT-A cycles, the clinical pregnancy and ongoing pregnancy rates in the <1 h group were 67.44% and 53.49%, respectively, higher than that in the 1-2 h group (52.94%, 47.06%, P > 0.05) and the ≥2 h group (52.63%, 36.84%, P > 0.05). 
  • In conclusion, vitrification of blastocysts beyond 1 h after biopsy significantly influences embryo survival and clinical outcomes and is therefore not recommended.

