- 多數研究表明胚胎的品質不會受到冷凍保存時間的影響。人類胚胎長期冷凍保存不會影響懷孕結果。
- 未成熟GV與成熟M-II期玻璃化冷凍存活率無明顯差異。
- 解凍後卵母細胞的受精率也與新鮮自體卵胞漿內精子注射週期相當(70% 對 72%)。
- 玻璃化冷凍卵母細胞的每個胚胎的植入率(43% vs. 35%) 和每次移植的臨床懷孕率(57% vs. 44%) 明顯較高於與新鮮卵母形成胚胎植入。但活產/持續懷孕率並沒有統計上顯著差異(39% vs. 35%)。
- 每顆凍卵解凍受孕植入之活產嬰兒機率約6.4%。
- 使用自體卵母細胞玻璃化冷凍加熱的治療效果與使用新鮮卵母細胞的週期一樣好。
- MI階段卵子解凍後僅有44%可成熟至MII 階段, GV階段卵子解凍後僅有4% 能成熟至MII階段。
l Most studies dicate that the quality of embryos is not influenced by the
duration during cryo-storage.
l Long-term cryo-storage of human embryos did not affect the pregnancy
l There is no significant difference in the survival rate between oocytes
vitrified at the immature GV stage and those vitrified at the mature M-II
l Postthaw
oocyte fertilization rates were also comparable to fresh autologous
intracytoplasmic sperm injection cycles (70% vs. 72%).
l Implantation
rates per embryo transferred (43% vs. 35%) and clinical pregnancy rates per
transfer (57% vs. 44%) were significantly higher with vitrified–warmed compared
with fresh oocytes.
l However,
there was no statistically significant difference in live birth/ongoing
pregnancy (39% vs. 35%).
l The
overall vitrified–warmed oocyte to live born child efficiency was 6.4%.
l Treatment
outcomes using autologous oocyte vitrification and warming are as good as
cycles using fresh oocytes.
l only 44%
of the oocytes vitrified at the MI stage subsequently matured to the MII stage
in vitro after warming, and only 4% of the oocytes vitrified at the GV
stage did so.