
月經第8天LH小於1.2 IU/l胚胎較少較差

誘導排卵第7,8天(M 7,8)測LH數值,可評估IVF預後,
 LH<1.2 IU/l,取卵數較少,胚胎品質較差


A relative reduction in mid-follicular LH concentrations during GnRH agonist IVF/ICSI cycles leads to lower live birth rates


BACKGROUND: The effect of early- and mid-follicular LH concentrations on the ovarian response and pregnancy outcomes was evaluated in women receiving pituitary down-regulation with a GnRH agonist and ovarian stimulation with recombinant FSH (rFSH) during IVF/ICSI treatment. METHODS: Blood samples were collected prospectively from 701 cycles (560 patients) of assisted reproduction and analysed retrospectively. On the basis of LH concentrations on stimulation day 7/8, the patients were divided into two groups: LH < 1.2 IU/l (n = 179) and LH ≥ 1.2 IU/l (n = 522). Cycle outcomes were also compared on the basis of a ratio of mid- to early-follicular LH concentrations (≤0.5, n = 210; >0.5, n= 491). RESULTS: Patients with low LH concentrations were found to have a significant reduction in the late-follicular estradiol concentrations (P < 0.001), the number of oocytes retrieved (P < 0.01) and the number of usable embryos (P < 0.01), and they required significantly more rFSH (430 IU difference, P < 0.01). These differences did not translate into a significant change in live birth rates. Conversely, a ratio of ≤0.5 mid- to early-follicular LH concentrations (a reduction of ≥50%) was associated with a significant reduction in live birth rates per embryo transfer and per cycle started (27.3 versus 19.0%, P < 0.05 and 22.2 versus 15.8%, P < 0.05, respectively). CONCLUSIONS: Low mid-follicular levels of LH have a significant impact on ovarian response but not on live birth rates. A fall in LH level of ≥50% from the early- to mid-follicular phase resulted in a lower live birth rate.

Table II.
Outcomes: LH < 1.2 IU/L (day 7/8) vs. LH ≥ 2.8 IU/L (day 7/8)
Group 1 (LH < 1.2)Group 2 (LH ≥ 1.2)Statistical comparison (P-value)
Average total rFSH used (IU) (SD)2423 (±1012)1986 (±929)<0.001
Average final estradiol level (pmol/l) (SD)5279 (±3055)7500 (±3665)<0.001
Average number of oocytes collected (SD)9.6 (±6.6)11.2 (±6.4)<0.01
Average number of usable embryos (SD)2.96 (±2.52)3.58 (±2.93)<0.01
Clinical pregnancy rate per transfer35.1% (54/154)32.9% (138/420)ns
Clinical pregnancy rate per cycle started30.2% (54/179)26.4% (138/522)ns
Implantation rate29.4% (64/218)27.2% (169/621)ns
Miscarriage rate28.3% (15/53)21.7% (30/138)ns
Multiple pregnancy rate7.9% (3/38)23.9% (26/109)<0.05
Live birth rate per transfer23.5% (36/153)25.2% (106/420)ns
Live birth rate per cycle started20.2% (36/178)20.3% (106/522)ns
  • ns, not statistically significant.

