濾泡中期(day9)以後, 濾泡>0.9cm才有可能成熟
Figure 3
Comparative changes in the diameters of the dominant and first subordinate follicles during the process of follicle selection in women, mares/horses and heifers/cows (day 0 = follicle wave emergence). The dotted horizontal line indicates the diameter at which deviation in follicle growth rates between the dominant and first subordinate follicles occurs (Reproduced with permission from Elsevier, Ginther et al., 2001, Biol Reprod, 65:648–647).
Figure 5
Temporal interrelationships between FSH, estradiol and inhibin during the process of dominant follicle selection in mares, women and cows. DF, dominant follicle; SF, subordinate follicle [Reproduced with permission from Wiley Blackwell Publishing, Mihm and Evans, 2008, Reprod Dom Anim, 43(Suppl 2): 48–56].