
抗凍蛋白(Antifreeze proteins)----阻止解凍過程結晶體形成  未來冷凍科技之突破方向
Figure 1

 2019 May 9;9(5). pii: E181. doi: 10.3390/biom9050181.

The Use of Antifreeze Proteins in the Cryopreservation of Gametes and Embryos.


The cryopreservation of gametes and embryos is a technique widely used in reproductive biology. This technology helps in the reproductive management of domesticated animals, and it is an important tool for gene banking and for human-assisted reproductive technologies. Antifreeze proteins are naturally present in several organisms exposed to subzero temperatures. The ability for these proteins to inhibit ice recrystallization together with their ability to interact with biological membranes makes them interesting molecules to be used in cryopreservation protocols. This mini-review provides a general overview about the use of antifreeze proteins to improve the short and long term storage of gametes and embryos.

