Spermiengewinnung aus Hodengewebe
If there are no sperms in the ejaculate, e.g. in the case of an inoperable occlusion of the spermatic duct or after the operation of a tumour, this does not mean that medicine has exhausted its possibilities. Often there are fertilisable sperms in the epididymis or the testicles.
MESA stands for microsurgical epididymal sperm aspiration and refers to the obtaining of sperms from the epididymis. TESE stands for testicular sperm extraction. Here a tissue sample (biopsy) is obtained from the testicles. In up to 75% of cases sperms can still be found. Both procedures are combined with the microinjection.
The sampling of the testicle or epididymis tissue is a minor surgical procedure. The tissue can subsequently be frozen. Sampling must be done only once.