This study has shown that under the effect of a GnRH antagonist and rFSH with luteal phase progesterone supplementation, there is a significant down-regulation of PR in the surface epithelium.
Figure 5:
Quantitative evaluation of sex-steroid receptors and steroid receptor metabolizing enzymes mRNA expression of women in the mid-luteal phase of cycle (control group) and in women who have received COH and a GnRH antagonist (study group)
(A) PR, (B) ERα, (C) ERβ, (D) AR, (E) 3βHSD1 enzyme and (F) 17βHSD2 enzyme. All endometrial tissue samples were compared with an internal control (comparator) obtained during the mid-luteal phase of the menstrual cycle. ERα mRNA (P = 0.02) and AR mRNA (P= 0.01) levels were significantly reduced in endometrial tissue from women treated with a GnRH antagonist and rFSH. 3βHSD1 mRNA (P = 0.01) and 17βHSD2 mRNA (P= 0.02) levels were significantly reduced in the endometrial samples from women treated with a GnRH antagonist and rFSH. Note scale(Y axis) in E and F differs from A–D