
IVF後若正常胚胎與葡萄胎同時並存下, 仍可繼續懷孕
本案因懷孕至32周, 因引發母體妊娠高血壓 提早引產

 2015 Jul-Sep;8(3):178-81. doi: 10.4103/0974-1208.165149.

Pregnancy outcome with coexisting mole after intracytoplasmic sperm injection: A case series.


Partial/complete hydatidiform mole with coexisting fetus is a rare condition. Optimal management is a challenge that remains a dilemma since these pregnancies are associated with maternal as well as fetal complications including hemorrhage, preeclampsia, thromboembolic disease, intra uterine demise and increased risk of persistent trophoblastic disease. Here we report 2 cases of partial mole with live fetus after ICSI and a case of complete mole with coexisting fetus after ICSI in a turner mosaic that resulted in a live birth.

