

 2017;1568:33-44. doi: 10.1007/978-1-4939-6828-2_3.

Chapter 3 Current Challenges in Immature Oocyte Cryopreservation.


Current freezing technology, especially the vitrification method, has markedly improved oocyte survival rate after warming, and the pregnancy rate is comparable to that achieved with fresh oocytes. However, most groups report using oocytes matured in vivo for vitrification. Although immature oocytes can be vitrified successfully, clinical outcomes do not reach that of vitrification of matured oocytes. The current literature suggests that oocytes should be vitrified at mature metaphase II (M-II) stage following IVM rather than at the immature germinal vesicle (GV) stage, because the potential for oocyte maturation is reduced when vitrification is performed on immature oocytes at the GV stage.

