- 與非 PCOS 卵丘細胞(CC 相比,PCOS CC 中表達顯著差異的基因。
- PCOS CC 中的一些基因失調,包括前列腺素內過氧化物合成酶2 (PTGS2)、腫瘤壞死因子-α 誘導蛋白6 (TNFαIP6)、 TGF-β2 、caveolin 1 (CAV1)、抑制素、β B (INHβB)、EGFR 和 DNA 結合抑制劑 3 (ID3)。
- 當雙股 DNA 斷裂時,人類未成熟卵母細胞中的 DNA 修復途徑更加活躍,這可能會推遲減數分裂的恢復
- 負責 PCOS CCS 增殖的基因在 GV 階段上調,導致更多的未成熟卵泡。
- 經ART 治療後,這些基因的表達恢復到正常水平。
- 與對照CC 相比,參與細胞增殖、激素受體信號傳導、間隙通訊、卵泡發生和氧化壓力等重要過程的基因在GV 階段均在PCOS CC 中異常表達,但在GV 階段均恢復至正常水平。資訊產業部階段。
- ART不僅可以誘導PCOS患者排卵,還可以在轉錄組層級修復卵母細胞品質差,提高受精卵裂率和胚胎品質。
- Genes with significantly differential expression in PCOS cumulus cells(CCs) comparing with non-PCOS CC.
- Among many genes that are involved in cell proliferation, several genes were deregulated in PCOS CCs compared with non-PCOS CCs, including prostaglandin-endoperoxide synthase 2 (PTGS2), tumor necrosis factor-alpha-induced protein 6 (TNFαIP6), TGF-β2, caveolin 1 (CAV1), inhibin, beta B (INHβB), EGFR, and inhibitor of DNA binding 3 (ID3) (Fig. 6A).
- DNA repair pathways are more active in human immature oocytes when double-strand DNA breaks, which may defer meiotic resumption
- genes responsible for the proliferation of PCOS CCS were upregulated at the GV stage, which resulted in more immature follicular than normal.
- But after ARTs, the expression of those genes was restored to its normal level.
- Genes that participate in vital processes such as cell proliferation, hormone receptors signaling, gap communication, folliculogenesis, and oxidative stress were all abnormally expressed in PCOS CCs compared with control CCs at the GV stage, but all of them were recovered to normal levels at the MII stage.
- ARTs not only can induce ovulation in PCOS patients but also repair the poor quality of oocytes at the transcriptome level and increase the ratio of fertilization and cleavage and the quality of embryos.
Differentially expressed genes in PCOS oocyte studied through single-cell RNA sequencing.
The threshold of Padj was set at < 0.05 to find significantly expressed genes. (A) Boxplot showing differentially expressed genes involved in meiosis process. (B) Boxplot showing differentially expressed genes included in gap junction pathway. (C) Boxplot showing differentially expressed genes related to hormone receptor signaling. (D) Boxplot showing differentially expressed genes involved in DNA repairing. (E) Boxplot showing significantly expressed genes are related to secreted factors. *Padj < 0.05. The y axis indicates the log2 (FPKM + 1) expression levels.