卵子挑選: 由上週期黃體期挑選一卵子成為優勢卵子
一月經週期可能有2-3個卵子挑選波follicle recruitment wave
Figure 1
Schematic illustrations of the three different theories of ovarian follicular recruitment during the menstrual/estrous cycle. The theory of continuous recruitment (a) suggests that small antral follicles grow and regress constantly throughout the interovulatory interval and the dominant ovulatory follicle is selected, by chance, from the pool following luteal regression. The theory of a single recruitment episode (b) suggests that an ovulatory follicle is selected from a single follicular cohort that emerges following luteal regression. The wave theory of follicle recruitment (c) suggests that two or more cohorts (i.e. waves) of antral follicles are recruited (i.e. emerge) during the ovarian cycle. The dominant follicle that develops in the final wave of the IOI ovulates while preceding waves are anovulatory; dominant follicles develop in a minority of anovulatory waves (dotted line). M, menses.
Figure 3

Comparative changes in the diameters of the dominant and first subordinate follicles during the process of follicle selection in women, mares/horses and heifers/cows (day 0 = follicle wave emergence). The dotted horizontal line indicates the diameter at which deviation in follicle growth rates between the dominant and first subordinate follicles occurs (Reproduced with permission from Elsevier, Ginther et al., 2001, Biol Reprod, 65:648–647).
Click on image to view larger version.
Figure 6
Morphologic and endocrinologic changes associated with two waves (a–c) and three waves (d–f) of follicle development during the human menstrual cycle. Data are presented to encompass both one complete interovulatory interval (IOI) and one complete menstrual cycle. Dotted vertical lines indicate the days of wave emergence (W1, Wave 1, W2, Wave 2, W3, Wave 3). Follicles are shown in pink and the CL is shown in yellow (a and d). Major anovulatory waves (ghosted) were detected in some but not all women prior to the ovulatory wave (a and d). (Data were derived from Baerwald et al., 2003, Fertil Steril 80, 116–122 and Baerwald et al., 2003, Biol Reprod, 69: 1023–31).