
Reproductive Sciences volume 28pages904–908 (2021)

Can Oocyte Diameter Predict Embryo Quality?

  • whether oocyte diameter might predict the quality of the developing embryo. A retrospective, single-center cohort study. 
  • Oocytes were grouped by mean oocyte diameter (MOD) and incubated for 5 days before the final morphological evaluation done by an expert embryologist. 
  • A total of 471 cycles which yielded 3355 metaphase II oocytes were included in the analysis. 
  • Embryos developed from oocytes with MOD close to the average (Average 1SD < MOD < Average + 1SD) had increased good-quality blastulation rates compared with embryos that developed from very small or very large oocytes. 
  • Oocytes with MOD between 105.96 and 118.69 μm have better probability of becoming top-quality D5 blastocysts (17.1-17.4% grade 1 embryos). 

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