
卵子與卵丘顆粒 & theca細胞之間有相當複雜之訊號&賀爾蒙交互作用


 2022 May; 39(5): 1011–1025.
Published online 2022 May 2. doi: 10.1007/s10815-022-02438-8

Mammalian cumulus-oocyte complex communication: a dialog through long and short distance messaging

  • Communications are crucial to ovarian follicle development and to ovulation, and while both folliculogenesis and oogenesis are distinct processes, they share highly interdependent signaling pathways. 
  • Signals from distant organs such as the brain must be processed and compartments within the follicle have to be synchronized. 
  • The hypothalamic–pituitary–gonadal (HPG) axis relies on long-distance signalling analogous to wireless communication by which data is disseminated in the environment and cells equipped with the appropriate receptors receive and interpret the messages. 
  • In contrast, direct cell-to-cell transfer of molecules is a very targeted, short distance messaging system. 

