PCO IVM萎縮卵子直徑更小103-105um
一般COH萎縮卵子直徑約 106-108 um
Human immature oocytes grow during culture for IVM
+Author Affiliations
- 5Correspondence address. Tel: +44-2476-968697/528382; Fax: +44-2476-968653; E-mail: geraldine.hartshorne@warwick.ac.uk
BACKGROUND Oocyte competence for maturation and embryogenesis is associated with diameter in many mammals. We aimed to test whether this relationship exists in humans and to quantify its impact upon in vitromaturation (IVM).
METHODS We used computer-assisted image analysis daily to measure average diameter, zona thickness and other parameters in oocytes. Immature oocytes originated from unstimulated patients with polycystic ovaries, and from stimulated patients undergoing intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI). Some were cultured with meiosis activating sterol (FF-MAS). Matured oocytes were inseminated using ICSI and embryo development was monitored. In vivo matured oocytes were also measured.
RESULTS Immature oocytes were smaller at collection than in vivo matured oocytes. Maturation was related to oocyte diameter and many oocytes grew in culture. FF-MAS stimulated growth in oocytes derived from ICSI patients, but only stimulated growth in PCO derived oocytes if they matured in vitro. Degenerating oocytes showed cytoplasmic shrinkage. Neither zona thickness, perivitelline space, nor the total diameter of the oocyte plus zona were informative regarding maturation capacity.
CONCLUSIONS Immature oocytes grow during maturation culture. FF-MAS promotes oocyte growth in vitro. Oocytes from different sources have different growth profiles in vitro. Measuring oocytes in clinical IVM may provide additional non-invasive information that could potentially avoid the use of growing oocytes.
Figure 2:
Frequency histograms of mean oocyte diameter after culture for oocytes that either matured in vitro, remained immature or became atretic in culture (a) Oocytes from unstimulated PCO patients. (b) Oocytes from stimulated ICSI patients
Figure 3:
Oocyte diameters during culture in control conditions or with FF-MAS for oocytes from PCO patients or patients undergoing ICSI treatment Results are presented according to the outcome of IVM culture. Oocytes in a–c were collected from unstimulated PCO patients and those in d–f were collected from patients undergoing ICSI treatment. The control, 10 µg/ml FF-MAS and 30 µg/ml FF-MAS, results are shown in the top, middle and bottom panels, respectively. Mean ± SEM. Points with similar symbols are significantly different (P < 0.05)