



Recombinant LH supplementation to recombinant FSH during the final days of controlled ovarian stimulation for in vitrofertilization. A multicentre, prospective, randomized, controlled trial

  1. H. Meinertz9 The Nordic LH study group9
+Author Affiliations
  1. 1The Fertility clinics 4017, Rigshospitalet, Copenhagen University Hospital, Blegdamsvej 9, 2100 Copenhagen, Denmark
  2. 2Skive Hospital, Skive, Denmark
  3. 3Karolinska University Hospital, Stockholm, Sweden
  4. 4Haugesund Hospital, Haugesund, Norway
  5. 5The Family Federation of Finland, Turku, Finland
  6. 6Odense University Hospital, Odense, Denmark
  7. 7Herlev University Hospital, Copenhagen, Denmark
  8. 8Holbæk Hospital, Holbæk, Denmark
  9. 9Hvidovre Hospital, Copenhagen, Denmark
  1. 10Correspondence address. Tel: +453-5451315/4976; Fax: +453-5454946; E-mail:anyboea@rh.hosp.dk


    BACKGROUND The purpose of this multicentre, multinational trial was to study whether rLH supplementation to recombinant FSH (rFSH) during the late follicular phase increased pregnancy rates.
    METHODS After down-regulation with nafarelin, 526 women were randomized on Day 1 of stimulation to use either rFSH (Gonal-F) alone (n = 261) or to continue after Day 6 of stimulation with both rFSH (Gonal-F) and rLH (Luveris) (n= 265) from Day 6. The starting dose of rFSH was 150–225 IU/day according to age below or above 35 years.
    RESULTS Ongoing pregnancy rate at week 10–12 was 28.7% after rFSH alone and 27.2% after rFSH + rLH. This showed no evidence of a difference. Administration of rLH significantly (P< 0.001) increased serum LH. Ongoing pregnancy rates in patients with low LH levels (<33 percentile) on Days 1 and 6 of stimulation showed no difference between the group treated with rFSH only (23.9% low Day 1 LH; 22.1% low Day 6 LH) versus rFSH + rLH (25.0% low Day 1 LH; 28.9% low Day 6 LH).
    CONCLUSIONS Supplementing rFSH with daily doses of 75–150 IU of rLH during the second half of the follicular phase showed no evidence of increasing the ongoing pregnancy rates in the general population. (ClinicalTrials.gov, trial number: KF02-035/03).

    Table IV.
    Days of treatment, doses of rFSH, number of follicles, oocytes, embryos and pregnancies in patients >35 years of age.
    rFSH alone, N = 51rFSH + rLH, N = 49P-valuesdf
    Initiated cycles, n (%)51 (100)49 (100)
    Oocyte retrieval, n (%)Yes50 (98.0)44 (89.8)0.108a
    No1 (2.0)5 (10.2)
    Transfers, n (%)Yes46 (90.2)41 (83.7)0.384a
    No5 (9.8)8 (16.3)
    Patients with change dose of rFSH from Day 6, n (%)Increase22 (43.1)22 (44.9)0.975b2
    Unaltered21 (41.2)20 (40.8)
    Decrease8 (15.7)7 (14.3)
    Total dose in IU of rFSH, (mean, SD)2596.3 (478.9)2703.6 (883.2)0.450c98
    Days of stimulation (day of hCG), (mean, SD)11.2 (1.5)11.3 (2.2)0.809c98
    Follicles ≥10 mm (day of hCG), (mean, SD)10.3 (4.9)9.9 (6.6)0.736c90
    Follicles ≥17 mm (day of hCG), (mean, SD)4.6 (3.7)4.8 (4.0)0.836c94
    Diameter (mm) of leading follicle, (mean, SD)18.8 (1.6)19.2 (2.4)0.304c93
    Oocytes aspirated, (mean, SD)9.3 (4.2)8.5 (5.9)0.471c92
    Embryos transferred (mean, SD)*1.7 (0.5)1.7 (0.5)0.900c85
    Embryos cryopreserved, (mean, SD)1.3 (1.7)1.1 (3.1)0.703c95
    Intrauterine ‘clinical’ pregnancy (at least one gestational sac), n (%)18 (35.3)14 (28.6)0.524a
    Number of gestational sacs (n)2418
    Number of embryos transferred (n)7869
    Implantation rate (mean, SD) (sacs/embryos transferred)0.29 (0.402)0.26 (0.41)0.724c84
    Number of gestational sacs with live fetus (n)2114
    Live implantation rate (mean, SD) (sacs with live fetus/embryos transferred)0.26 (0.36)0.22 (0.37)0.600c85
    Number of patients with at least one live gestation at seventh week, n(%) [CI]d18 (35.3) [22.4; 49.9]12 (24.5) [13.3; 38.9]0.279a
    Number of patients with live fetus, n (%)dOne fetus15 (83.3)9 (75.0)0.583b1
    Two fetuses3 (16.7)3 (25.0)
    Ongoing live gestation at 12th week, n (%) [CI]d17 (33.3) [20.8; 47.9]8 (16.3) [7.3; 29.7]0.065a
    • aFisher's exact test; bCMH test for general association; cANOVA/ANCOVA on the raw data; don all pregnancy end-points the demoninator is started cycles (51 and 49, respectively). *calculated based on the subjects with at least one embryo transferred.

