Reprod Biol Endocrinol. 2013 Jun 19;11:54. doi: 10.1186/1477-7827-11-54.
First intention IVF protocol for polycystic ovaries: does oral contraceptive pill pretreatment influence COH outcome?
Decanter C, Robin G, Thomas P, Leroy M, Lefebvre C, Soudan B, Lefebvre-Khalil V, Leroy-Martin B, Dewailly D.
IVF center of Jeanne de Flandre Hospital, Department of Endocrine Gynaecology and Reproductive Medicine, Centre Hospitalier Régional et Universitaire CHRU, Rue Eugène Avinée, 59037, Lille Cedex, France. christine.decanter@chru-lille.fr
Morphological aspect of polycystic ovaries (PCO) is a very common finding in an IVF center population: this includes PCOS patients identified in 18-25% of the couples presenting with infertility and so called "sonographic PCO only" the prevalence of which has been estimated as high as 33% in asymptomatic patients. Finding the optimal first intention IVF protocol for polycystic ovaries patients is still challenging in order to improve the controlled ovarian hyperstimulation (COH) outcome while avoiding ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS). It has been suggested that women with PCO would benefit from a longer period of pituitary down-regulation. The purpose of this study was to compare an extended duration of OCP pretreatment with a classic GnRH agonist protocol.
A single center prospective non-randomized study was performed from January 2009 to December 2010 in the Lille University Hospital including 113 women diagnosed with PCO(S) according to the Rotterdam ultrasonographic criteria and undergoing their first IVF attempt. Comprehensive hormonal and ultra-sonographic assessments were collected during COH in these patients. LH and androgen suppression and dynamics of follicular growth were compared between the two protocols as well as the COH outcome in terms of oocyte/embryo number and quality, implantation and pregnancy rates.
No significant difference was observed between the two groups concerning dynamics of follicular growth and hormonal values. Clinical and ongoing pregnancy rates were significantly lower in the OCP group despite same oocyte and embryo quality. Nevertheless, the cumulative pregnancy rate did not differ between the two groups. The incidence of OHSS was not statistically significant.
Extended duration of OCP pretreatment, as a first intention IVF protocol for PCO patients, does not improve the pattern of follicular growth nor the oocyte and embryo quality.
Comparison of COH outcome in OCP and non-OCP groups. Detailed legend: Clinical and ongoing pregnancy rates after fresh embryo transfer were significantly higher in the non-OCP protocol (50% vs 28.2%, p
0.032 and 41.7% vs 17.9%, p
0.015, respectively). The implantation rate was higher in non-OCP group but the difference was not statistically significant (51% vs 34%). Similarly, the abortion rate was higher in OCP group protocol but not significantly (36.4% vs 17%). Cumulative clinical and ongoing pregnancy rates (including frozen embryo transfers) were not statistically different between the two groups (54.2% vs 41.0% and 54.2%vs 38.5%, respectively).