

低劑量hCG 200iu可用於誘導排卵COH晚期


In the future, the low-dose hCG may replace FSH in the late-follicular phase in GnRH antagonist cycles (Blockeel et al., 2009). 

Proposed directions for further research in the development of mild ovarian stimulation for IVF

  • A shift in emphasis from mild stimulation towards mild ovarian response. Such an approach may reduce both cancellation and over-response rates by developing more individualized treatment regimens based on initial patient characteristics, such as age, body weight and ovarian reserve characteristics.
  • Further improvement of the quality of embryo development, embryo selection for transfer and cryostorage of surplus embryos increasing the overall (cumulative) pregnancy chance per stimulation cycle applying a strict single (fresh and cryopreserved) embryo transfer policy.
  • Developing cheaper stimulation regimens (using oral off-patent drugs) meeting the immense challenge of improving overall global access to IVF treatment.
  • Establish improved patient acceptance (also involving reduced drop-out rates from successive IVF cycles), reduced complication rates and improved children outcomes applying mild IVF in everyday clinical practice.
  • Test the effectiveness of mild ovarian stimulation in women of more advanced reproductive age.
  • Rethink the definition of ‘successful’ IVF (and modify national and global IVF registries accordingly) better representing the interests of the woman, the child and society.

