
無卵症(empty follicle syndrome0, 罕見之IVF狀況, 僅0-1%之病患發生, 原因不明, 為卵子與卵丘細胞對赫爾蒙刺激反應異常有關, 分為真性無卵症與假性無卵症

假性無卵症可能與誘導排卵COH針劑品質或對病患反應不良, 破卵針品質異常



Empty follicle syndrome: Successful pregnancy following dual trigger


Empty follicle syndrome (EFS) is an uncommon, but the frustrating complication of assisted reproductive technology with failure to obtain oocytes after an adequate ovarian response to stimulation. Most of the reported cases of EFS are drug-related problems which are actually avoidable and do not represent any potential pathology and that the risk of genuine EFS (GEFS) is much smaller than was once thought. Our case is the first report of a pregnancy obtained after management of GEFS with dual trigger in a gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) antagonist cycle. In this report, we present a patient who underwent two oocyte retrievals, in which no oocytes were obtained. In the third in-vitro fertilization cycle, a dual trigger with the combination of GnRH agonist and human chorionic gonadotropin yielded 11 oocytes, which led to the transfer of 2 blastocysts resulting in a live birth. Changing the treatment protocol with dual trigger brought about a successful outcome.

