the meiotic spindle: 紡錘體: 靠近PB較佳,但無絕對關聯
zona pellucida: 中空透明帶: 較薄較佳,但無絕對關聯
Vacuoles or refractile bodies: 卵細胞質空泡: 較差,但無絕對關聯
the shape of the PB: 完整無碎片較佳,但無絕對關聯
dark cytoplasm or diffuse granulation & central granulation;卵細胞質中央顆粒: 較差,但無絕對關聯
perivitelline space: 空隙小及無雜質較佳,但無絕對關聯
the shape of oocytes 橢圓形卵: 較差,但無絕對關聯
cytoplasm viscosity and membrane resistance characteristics
Predictive value of oocyte morphology in human IVF: a systematic review of the literature
+Author Affiliations
- *Correspondence address. Tel: +39-06-3269791; Fax: +39-06-32697979; Email:rienzi@generaroma.it
- Received May 10, 2010.
- Revision received June 6, 2010.
- Accepted June 14, 2010.
BACKGROUND Non-invasive selection of developmentally competent human oocytes may increase the overall efficiency of human assisted reproduction and is regarded as crucial in countries where legal, social or religious factors restrict the production of supernumerary embryos. The purpose of this study was to summarize the predictive value for IVF success of morphological features of the oocyte that can be obtained by light or polarized microscopic investigations.
METHODS Studies about oocyte morphology and IVF/ICSI outcomes were identified by using a systematic literature search.
RESULTS Fifty relevant articles were identified: 33 analysed a single feature, 9 observed multiple features and investigated the effect of these features individually, 8 summarized the effect of individual features. Investigated structures were the following: meiotic spindle (15 papers), zona pellucida (15 papers), vacuoles or refractile bodies (14 papers), polar body shape (12 papers), oocyte shape (10 papers), dark cytoplasm or diffuse granulation (12 papers), perivitelline space (11 papers), central cytoplasmic granulation (8 papers), cumulus–oocyte complex (6 papers) and cytoplasm viscosity and membrane resistance characteristics (2 papers). None of these features were unanimously evaluated to have prognostic value for further developmental competence of oocytes.
CONCLUSIONS No clear tendency in recent publications to a general increase in predictive value of morphological features was found. These contradicting data underline the importance of more intensive and coordinated research to reach a consensus and fully exploit the predictive potential of morphological examination of human oocytes.
Figure 2
Different human oocyte morphological abnormalities (arrows) observed by light microscopy (400× magnification): (A) diffuse cytoplasmic granularity, (B) centrally located cytoplasmic granular area, (C) smooth endoplasmic reticulum clusters, (D) vacuoles, (E) abnormal zona pellucida shape, (F) large perivitelline space with fragments.