chemical toxicity 化學毒性
osmotic stress 滲透壓
nitrogen (LN) contamination 液態氮汙染
下降osmotic stress
最易受傷害chilling injury之溫度為25度下降至0度(dangerous zone)
2-cell 胚胎最易受冷凍過程傷害
Embryo cryopreservation in the presence of low concentration of vitrification solution with sealed pulled straws in liquid nitrogen slush
+Author Affiliations
- 3Correspondence address. E-mail:
- Received January 8, 2007.
- Revision received May 21, 2008.
- Accepted June 20, 2008.
BACKGROUND Vitrification is becoming the method of choice for embryo cryopreservation. Nevertheless, major problems are still associated with this process such as chemical toxicity and osmotic stress as well as risk of liquid nitrogen (LN) contamination.
METHODS An innovative vitrification method that combines LN slush and sealed pulled straws (SPS) was employed to achieve a high cooling rate, enabling a reduction in cryoprotectant concentration. Open pulled straws were sealed at both ends to prevent direct contact with LN.
RESULTS Ultrarapid cooling of murine embryos at 32 200°C/min in SPS with LN slush yielded a higher blastocyst survival rate (54 ± 3.5%, 106/196) than cooling at 1700°C/min in 0.25 ml straws (10 ± 2.1%, 21/197) (P < 0.05). Embryos at the 2-cell stage cryopreserved in 75% vitrification solution (VS) (100% VS contains ∼5 M ethylene glycol, 0.6 M trehalose and 6% w/v bovine serum albumin) in SPS formed blastocysts at a higher rate (79 ± 3.6%, 99/126) than cryopreservation in 100% VS (31 ± 6.5%, 16/51), however, this was not significantly different from the fresh control group (88 ± 4.6%, 43/49). Early stage embryos at the 2 pronuclei- and 4–8-cell stage formed blastocysts at rates of 68 ± 4.5 and 60 ± 3.7%, respectively, after vitrification in 87.5% VS.
CONCLUSIONS This method enables maintenance of high cooling rates as well as reduction of cryoprotectant concentration, despite the use of a sealed container that helps to reduce the potential risk of contamination.
Figure 1
Schematic illustrating sealed pulled straws (SPS) loaded with embryos.
VS, vitrification solution.
Figure 2
Cooling rate measurements: SPS plunged into liquid nitrogen (LN) slush (dotted line), super open pulled straws plunged into LN (broken line), SPS plunged into LN (broken line with dotts) and 0.25 ml straw plunged into LN (continuous line).
(a) between 25 and −140°C and (b) through the ‘dangerous zone’ 25 to 0°C.