
合併day1, 2 & 3 embryo score可挑選出最佳胚胎,提高著床率

Z score: 評估原核胚胎之方法:

  1. Z-1 zygotes have equal numbers of nucleoli aligned at the pronuclear junction.
  2. Z-2 zygotes have equal numbers and sizes of nucleoli, which are equally scattered in the two nuclei.
  3. Z-3 zygotes have equal numbers and sizes of nucleoli in the two nuclei, with one nucleus having aligned nucleoli at the pronuclear junction and the other having scattered nucleoli in itself. Zygotes with unequal numbers and/or sizes of nucleoli are also considered as Z-3.
  4. Z-4 zygotes are those with pronuclei that are not aligned, are of grossly different sizes or are not located in the central part of the zygote.
Day-1 Z score 與 day2 embryo quality 關聯 
  1. 有近50% Z-2,3,4之胚胎發展成grade 1胚胎 
  2. Z score 無法有效預測embryo 品質
  3. 須合併day2 & 3 embryo score

合併day1, 2 & 3 embryo score

day2 & 3 embryo score

  1. 合併day1, 2 & 3 embryo score預測懷孕率達67%
  2. 可挑選出最佳胚胎
  3. 提高著床率

Ref: J Zhejiang Univ Sci B. 2008 Aug;9(8):649-55.

