2PN胚胎 PN score
Figure 1.
Images of human oocytes selected for embryo transfer. (A) The zona pellucida of oocytes observed by light microscopy appears transparent. (B) The three-laminar architecture of zona pellucida with a highly birefringent inner layer (IL), followed by a dark-appearing middle layer (ML, arrow) and a greyish-appearing outer layer (OL) can be detected by Polscope microscopy. (C) Most oocytes of the conception cycle (CC) group contained a bright and thick zona pellucida. (D) Measurements of the thickness and retardance magnitude of the zona pellucida in each individual oocyte were done in three areas. The first and second measurements were done on a cross-sectional region of the zona on a line scan through the centre of the oocyte (dotted line). The third line scan was perpendicular to the two first measurements at an angle of ∼90°. (D–F) Oocytes from patients in the non-pregnant group with aberrant zona pellucida, which was either relatively thin (D), irregular (E) or sub-split into two layers (F, arrows). (G) Typical retardance curve of a line scan through the zona pellucida of an oocyte from the CC group (solid line) and the non-conception cycle (NCC) group (dotted line) respectively. Vertical dotted lines depict outer boundaries of layers measured on the line scan of the oocyte contributing to a CC or NCC. Open arrows show the outer measurement points included in the calculation of the magnitude of retardance of the outer and inner layers. For the middle layer, calculation was from the boundaries defined by the dotted vertical lines. (H) Scheme of the thickness, and retardance magnitude of the three zona layers in CC versus NCC. RT = retardance. Bar = 25 μm.
Figure 2.
Pronuclear scoring system (modified from Scott and Smith, 1998). (A–D) Score A–D: pronuclei closely apposed, further designation according to the position of nucleoli as follows: (A) Score A: three to 10 nucleoli aligned at the pronuclear junction. (B) Score B: nucleoli polarized but not highly apposed at pronuclear junction. (C) Score C: More than seven nucleoli scattered in nucleoplasm. (D) Score D: asymmetric distribution of nucleoli and/or numbers of nucleoli >10 or <5. (E) Score E: pronuclei spatially separated, unequal in size and/or not clearly distinguishable.
Figure 3.
Pronuclear (PN) scores at 18 h post-insemination (A) and embryo development at day 2 (B). (A) Two to three 1-cell embryos with the best PN scores were selected for embryo transfer from the cohort of each patient. Scores of A–E are shown. Embryos contributing to the conception cycle (CC) or non-conception cycle (NCC) group had similar PN scores on day 1. (B) Development at day 2 was significantly different (aχ2-test: significant differences between CC and NCC groups; P<0.05) between the groups. Embryos of the CC group tended to possess more cells and more rapidly divided compared to embryos of the NCC group. Numbers on top of bars are percentages.