

hCG施打當天黃體素濃度 progesterone levels >1 ng/ml可能會影響該週期懷孕率與著床率



GnRH agonist (buserelin) or hCG for ovulation induction in GnRH antagonist IVF/ICSI cycles: a prospective randomized study

  1. C. Yding Andersen4
+Author Affiliations
  1. 1The Fertility Clinic, Viborg Hospital (Skive), DK 7800 Skive, 2The Fertility Clinic, Hvidovre Hospital, DK 2650, Hvidovre, 3The Fertility Clinic Trianglen, Lundevangsvej 12, DK 2900 Hellerup and 4Laboratory of Reproductive Biology, Section 5712, University Hospital of Copenhagen, DK 2100 Copenhagen, Denmark
  1. 5To whom correspondence should be addressed. Email:peter.humaidan@sygehusviborg.dk
  • Received September 7, 2004.
  • Revision received December 22, 2004.
  • Accepted January 7, 2005.


BACKGROUND: We aimed to determine the efficacy of ovarian hyperstimulation protocols employing a GnRH antagonist to prevent a premature LH rise allowing final oocyte maturation and ovulation to be induced by a single bolus of either a GnRH agonist or hCG. METHODS: A total of 122 normogonadotrophic patients following a flexible antagonist protocol was stimulated with recombinant human FSH and prospectively randomized (sealed envelopes) to ovulation induction with a single bolus of either 0.5 mg buserelin s.c. (n=55) or 10 000 IU of hCG (n=67). A maximum of two embryos was transferred. Luteal support consisted of micronized progesterone vaginally, 90 mg a day, and estradiol, 4 mg a dayper os. RESULTS: Ovulation was induced with GnRH agonist in 55 patients and hCG in 67 patients. Significantly more metaphase II (MII) oocytes were retrieved in the GnRH agonist group (P<0.02). Significantly higher levels of LH and FSH (P<0.001) and significantly lower levels of progesterone and estradiol (P<0.001) were seen in the GnRH agonist group during the luteal phase. The implantation rate, 33/97 versus 3/89 (P<0.001), clinical pregnancy rate, 36 versus 6% (P=0.002), and rate of early pregnancy loss, 4% versus 79% (P=0.005), were significantly in favour of hCG. CONCLUSIONS: Ovulation induction with a GnRH agonist resulted in significantly more MII oocytes. However, a significantly lower implantation rate and clinical pregnancy rate in addition to a significantly higher rate of early pregnancy loss was seen in the GnRH agonist group, most probably due to a luteal phase deficiency.

