
OHSS 高危險病患不宜完全停止FSH注射針劑

OHSS 高危險病患不宜停止FSH注射針劑coasting,可下降FSH針劑劑量, 配合GnRHa破卵+胚胎冷凍


 2011 Mar 1;95(3):1137-40. doi: 10.1016/j.fertnstert.2010.09.040. Epub 2010 Nov 3.

Avoiding the use of human chorionic gonadotropin combined with oocyte vitrification and GnRH agonist triggering versus coasting: a new strategy to avoid ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome.


IVI-Madrid, Madrid, Spain.


In this observational trial, we compared the impact on two different strategies, egg vitrification (n = 152) obtained after triggering final oocyte maturation with GnRH agonists and transferring the embryos at a later stage, with classical coasting (n = 96) to avoid OHSS in patients at risk due to high response to COH. Our results show that oocyte vitrification after GnRH agonists triggering is a highly attractive, safe, and efficient alternative to postpone embryo transfer in patients at high risk of OHSS, resulting in decreased risk for the patient and a better cycle outcome (pregnancy rate 50% vs 29.5%).

