4-cells: 44h
8-cells: 68h
morula: 92h
囊胚: 116h
morula: 進入第4次有絲分裂(16>32cell) & compaction
Table IV
Timing of observation of fertilized oocytes and embryos, and expected stage of development at each time point.
Type of observation | Timing (hours post-insemination) | Expected stage of development |
Fertilization check | 17 ± 1 | Pronuclear stage |
Syngamy check | 23 ± 1 | Expect 50% to be in syngamy (up to 20% may be at the 2-cell stage) |
Early cleavage check | 26 ± 1 h post-ICSI | 2-cell stage |
28 ± 1 h post-IVF | ||
Day-2 embryo assessment | 44 ± 1 | 4-cell stage |
Day-3 embryo assessment | 68 ± 1 | 8-cell stage |
Day-4 embryo assessment | 92 ± 2 | Morula |
Day-5 embryo assessment | 116 ± 2 | Blastocyst |
Table VII
Consensus scoring system for Day-4 embryos.Grade Rating Description 1 Good • Entered into a fourth round of cleavage. • Evidence of compaction that involves virtually all the embryo volume. 2 Fair • Entered into a fourth round of cleavage. • Compaction involves the majority of the volume of the embryo 3 Poor • Disproportionate compaction involving less than half of the embryo, with two or three cells remaining as discrete blastomeres
Table VIIIConsensus scoring system for blastocysts.Grade Rating Description Stage of development 1 Early 2 Blastocyst 3 Expanded 4 Hatched/hatching ICM 1 Good Prominent, easily discernible, with many cells that are compacted and tightly adhered together 2 Fair Easily discernible, with many cells that are loosely grouped together 3 Poor Difficult to discern, with few cells TE 1 Good Many cells forming a cohesive epithelium 2 Fair Few cells forming a loose epithelium 3 Poor Very few cells - The scoring system for blastocysts is a combination of the stage of development, and of the grade of the ICM and of the TE (e.g. an expanded blastocyst with a good ICM and a fair TE would be scored as 312). It is a numerical interpretation of the Gardner scale (Gardner and Schoolcraft, 1999a,b).