

P4過高(>1.5 ng/ml )會影響子宮內膜之基因表現,進一步造成胚胎著床率下降‧


Endometrial receptivity is affected in women with high circulating progesterone levels at the end of the follicular phase: a functional genomics analysis

  1. E. Bosch1
+Author Affiliations
  1. 1Department of Human Reproduction, Instituto Valenciano de Infertilidad, University of Valencia, Plaza de la Policía Local, 3, 46015 Valencia, Spain
  2. 2iGenomix, Valencia, Spain
  1. *Correspondence address. Tel: +34-96-305-09-00; Fax: +34-96-305-09-99; E-mail: elena.labarta@ivi.es
  • Received February 3, 2011.
  • Revision received March 15, 2011.
  • Accepted March 24, 2011.


BACKGROUND Elevated serum progesterone levels at the end of the follicular phase in controlled ovarian stimulation (COS) leads to a poorer ongoing pregnancy rate in IVF cycles due to reduced endometrial receptivity. The objective of this study was to use microarray technology to compare endometrial gene expression profiles at the window of implantation according to the levels of circulating progesterone.
METHODS For this prospective cohort study, microarray data were obtained from endometrial biopsies from 12 young healthy oocyte donors undergoing COS with pituitary suppression by either gonadotrophin-releasing hormone (GnRH) agonists or antagonists, and recombinant FSH. On the day of recombinant chorionic gonadotrophin (rCG) administration, six women had serum progesterone levels (P) >1.5 ng/ml (study group) and six had serum P levels <1.5 ng/ml (control group). Endometrial samples were collected using a Pipelle catheter 7 days after the rCG injection.
RESULTS Using the parametric test, we identified 140 genes significantly dysregulated (64 up- and 76 down-regulated) in the study group endometria compared with the control endometria, regardless of the GnRH analogue employed. These genes are related to cell adhesion, developmental processes, the immune system and others, which are all required for normal endometrial function development. Of the 25 gene targets previously proposed as markers for endometrial receptivity, 13 appeared over-regulated in the study group.
CONCLUSIONS Our results reveal that elevated progesterone levels on the day of rCG administration can induce significant alterations in the gene expression profile of the endometrium.

