

Figure 1單獨第2或第3天胚胎評估即可準確預估胚胎之品質



Is there an advantage in scoring early embryos on more than one day?

  1. John D. Biggers4
+Author Affiliations
  1. 1Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductive Biology, Brigham and Women's Hospital, Harvard Medical School, 75 Francis Street, ASB 1+3, Rm 082, Boston, MA 02115, USA
  2. 2Decision Systems Group, Brigham and Women's Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA 02115, USA
  3. 3Division of Biomedical Informatics, Department of Medicine, University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, CA 92093, USA
  4. 4Department of Cell Biology, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA 02115, USA
  1. 5Correspondence address. Tel: +1-617-732-5455; Fax: +1-617-975-0825; E-mail:cracowsky@partners.org
  • Received November 25, 2008.
  • Revision received April 30, 2009.
  • Accepted May 6, 2009.


BACKGROUND This study was undertaken to determine what characteristics should be recorded on which days to build a predictive model for selection of Day 3 embryos.
METHODS Embryos failing to form a clinical sac or that formed a viable fetus (to ≥12 weeks), and transferred singly (n = 269) or in pairs (n = 1326) were scored for early cleavage and pronuclear status on Day 1, and cell number, fragmentation, and symmetry on Days 2 and 3, with number of nuclei per blastomere also recorded on Day 2. Seven candidate models were identified using a priori clinical knowledge and univariate analyses. Each model was fit on a training-set and evaluated on a test-set with resampling, with discrimination assessed using the area under the ROC curve (AUC) and calibration assessed using the Hosmer–Lemeshow statistics.
RESULTS Models built using Day 1, 2 or 3 scores independently on the 30 resampled data sets showed that Day 1 evaluations provided the poorest predictive value (median AUC = 0.683 versus 0.729 and 0.725, for Day 2 and 3). Combining information from Day 1, 2 and 3 marginally improved discrimination (median AUC = 0.737). Using the final Day 3 model fitted on the whole dataset, the median AUC was 0.732 (95% CI, 0.700–0.764), and 68.6% of embryos would be correctly classified with a cutoff probability equal to 0.3.
CONCLUSIONS Day 2 or Day 3 evaluations alone are sufficient for morphological selection of cleavage stage embryos. The derived regression coefficients can be used prospectively in an algorithm to rank embryos for selection.

Figure 1
Figure 1
8-Cell human embryos on Day 3 of culture with varying degrees of fragmentation and asymmetry, as reflected by the numerical scores on the images corresponding to the cell number, fragmentation score and asymmetry scores, respectively, as defined in Table I.
The arrows in (D) point to examples of fragmentation; bar = 25 µm.

Table I
List of embryonic features included in the study
DayFeatureComments (including coding of nominal data)
1Time of evaluation17.8–29 h after fertilization (target 25 h)
1No. cellsRange: 1–6
1PronucleiCode (day1stage): 0 = 1cell + 2PN; 1 = 1cell + 0PN; 2 = 2 cells; 3 = >2 cells
2Time of evaluation37.6–50.7 h (target = 44 h)
2No. cellsRange: 1–11
2Fragmentation*Code: 0 = 0%; 1 = 1–9%; 2 = 10–25%; 3 = 26–50%; 4 = >50%
2SymmetryCode: 1 = No asymmetry; 2 = Moderate asymmetry; 3 = Severe asymmetry
2Distribution of nucleiCode: 0 = one or more blastomeres without a single nuclei; 1 = all blastomeres with a single nucleus
3Time of evaluation60.2–77.7 h (target = 68 h)
3No. cellsRange: 1–14
3Fragmentation*Code: 0 = 0%; 1 = 1–9%; 2 = 10–25%; 3 = 26–50%; 4 = >50%
3SymmetryCode: 1 = No asymmetry; 2 = Some asymmetry; 3 = Severe asymmetry
  • *Due to small numbers in groups having scores of three and four, these groups were combined with those having a score of two.

