Figure 2:
Morphology and growth of vitrified-thawed HAMs.
(A) 1 day after thawing (×100), (B) 7 days after thawing (×100) and (C) 7 days after thawing (×200). After vitrification and thawing, HAMs had similar morphology like fibroblast and were indistinguishable from non-cryopreserved HAMs. Bar: A, B = 100 μm. C = 50 µm.
Figure 8:
Differentiation potency of vitrified-thawed HAMs.
(A) Before differentiation (×200), (B) after osteogenic induction (Von Kossa staining, ×200), (C) after adipogenic induction (Oil Red O staining, ×200) and (D) after chondrogenic induction (Alcian Blue staining, ×200). After induction of differentiation for 2–3 weeks in respective induction media, post-vitrification HAMs were stained positively for each staining, which indicate appropriate osteogenic, adipogenic and chondrogenic induction, respectively. Bar = 50 μm.