精蟲ㄕㄨ ˋDNA fragment 比例越高,
精蟲DNA fragment 比例>20%,卵子無法正常受孕
IVF過程可篩除DNA fragment 比例過高之精蟲
Sperm DNA fragmentation decreases the pregnancy rate in an assisted reproductive technique
- Mehdi Benchaib1,2,3,
- Valérie Braun2,
- Jacqueline Lornage1,2,
- Samia Hadj1,
- Bruno Salle1,2,
- Hervé Lejeune1,2 and
- Jean François Guérin1,2
+Author Affiliations
- 3To whom correspondence should be addressed at: Laboratoire de Biologie de la Reproduction, 8 avenue Rockefeller, 69373 Lyon Cedex 08, France. e‐mail:benchaib@rockefeller.univ‐lyon1.fr
- Received July 26, 2002.
- Revision received December 24, 2002.
- Accepted February 5, 2003.
BACKGROUND: Standard sperm characteristics are poor predictors of the outcome of IVF treatments. On the contrary, sperm genome quality has been emphasized for several years as playing a major role in early embryogenesis, thus in the success of IVF attempt. METHODS: Sperm DNA fragmentation from a selected group of 104 couples undergoing assisted reproductive techniques (ART) (IVF: n = 50; and ICSI: n = 54) was measured by TUNEL assay and correlated with semen and ART outcomes. RESULTS: A negative correlation was found between sperm characteristics and the proportion of sperm showing DNA fragmentation. For fragmentation >10%, a significant decrease of the fertilization rate was observed. No correlation was found between sperm DNA fragmentation and embryo quality. A high proportion of sperm with fragmented DNA was a pejorative factor to obtain pregnancies when ICSI was performed, but there was no relationship when conventional IVF was performed. CONCLUSIONS: The proportion of sperm with DNA fragmentation appears to be potentially useful as a predictor of ICSI outcome, whereas embryo quality based on morphological criteria, appeared unaffected by DNA fragmentation.
Figure 1. DNA fragmentation according to the sperm characteristics. The impaired concentration include case of oligospermia (there was no case of polyspermia).
Figure 2. Sperm DNA fragmentation according to the fertilization rate.