
卵子紡錘體型態, 長度, 面積, 折射型態與卵子ICSI後著床率無明顯關聯

 2014 Feb;289(2):433-8. doi: 10.1007/s00404-013-2999-1. Epub 2013 Aug 15.

Do quantitative birefringence characteristics of meiotic spindle and zona pellucida have an impact on implantation in single embryo transfer cycles?

Author information

  • 1Gulhane Military Medical Faculty, IVF Center, 06018, Etlik, Ankara, Turkey.



The aim of this study was to determine whether quantitative PolScope characteristics of meiotic spindle and zona pellucida could be used as a non-invasive marker to predict implantation success in elective single embryo transfer cycles.


Quantitative birefringence parameters; including mean retardance, area, length and polar body deviation angle of meiotic spindle and mean retardance and width of inner zona pellucida belonging to 53 transfer oocytes from elective single embryo transfer cycles were retrospectively analyzed. The relevant PolScope features were compared between 20 conception and 33 non-conception cycles.


Meiotic spindle mean retardance, area, length and inner zona pellucida mean retardance and width did not reveal a statistically significant difference between transfer oocytes from conception and non-conception cycles. Deviation angle of the polar bodies was also comparable between the groups. Spindle and inner zona PolScope characteristics of transfer oocytes were not correlated with the maternal age.


Quantitative PolScope features of meiotic spindle and inner zona pellucida can not be used as a non-invasive marker to predict assisted reproductive technology success in elective single embryo transfer cycles.

