
 粒端telomere 長度 &  粒端酶telomerase活性 與卵子細胞 IVF結果關聯性

  1. 人類卵母細胞TL在成熟過程中縮短
  2. 與其他參數相比,TL 可以更好地預測 IVF 後的結果
  3. 卵母細胞 TL vs D3 植入前胚胎的細胞質碎片---負關聯 
  4. TL 長度與人類非整倍體異常aneuploid有關
  5. aneuploid囊胚具有更長的TL  & 較低TA 
  6. TL縮短與卵裂期胚胎的染色體分離錯誤無關
  7. TA 比 TL 更能預測 IVF 治療後的懷孕結局
  8. 卵顆粒細胞TA水平可以預測IVF治療的臨床結果
  9. 較高的 TA 水準與臨床 IVF 結局呈正相關
  10. 卵丘細胞TL 與卵母細胞質量和胚胎發育有關
  11. TL功能和生殖潛力沒有直接關聯,而氧化 DNA 損傷對 IVF 結果和臨床懷孕的早期標記產生不利影響
  12. TL異常與卵巢功能不全有關
  13.  卵顆粒細胞 中較低的 TA 和較短的 TL 與 PCOS 和較長的不孕期有關
  14. TA 和 TL 對於 PCOS 患者的胚胎品質和 IVF 結果沒有預後價值
  15. 卵巢功能不全患者的顆粒細胞 TA 減少 TL 較短
  16. IVF女性TL 顯著縮短


Studies focused on the relation between telomere length/telomerase activity and oocytes

  1. Human oocyte telomeres shorten during maturation
  2. TL provided a better predictor of outcome following IVF than other parameters
  3. Oocyte TL negatively predicted cytoplasmic fragmentation in D3 preimplantation embryos
  4. Telomere DNA length was associated with human aneuploidy development
  5. Aneuploid blastocysts have longer telomeres but lower TA when compared to either euploid or mosaic/segmental human blastocysts
  6. Telomere shortening was not related to chromosome segregation errors in the cleavage stage embryo
  7. TA is a better predictor of pregnancy outcomes following IVF treatment than TL
  8. TA levels in luteinized GCs may predict the clinical outcomes of IVF treatment
  9. Higher TA levels were positively correlated with clinical IVF outcomes
  10. TL in CCs is related to oocyte quality and embryo development
  11. No direct association of telomere function and reproductive potential, while oxidative DNA damage adversely affected early markers of IVF outcome and clinical pregnancies
  12. In young women, abnormal telomere homeostasis is linked to  ovarian insufficiency
  13.  Lower TA and shorter TL in the GCs were linked with PCOS and a longer period of infertility
  14. No prognostic value for the TA and TL in terms of embryo quality and IVF outcomes in PCOS patients
  15.  Shorter LTL and GCTL in women with ovarian insufficiency compared with healthy controls
  16. - Diminished granular cell TA in patients with ovarian insufficiency compared with healthy controls
  17. Women undergoing IVF had statistically significant shorter telomeres compared to healthy controls

Evaluation of telomere length (TL) and telomerase activity (TA) on predicting in vitro fertilization treatment outcomes

Telomerase activity relative changes during gametogenesis, embryo development   

