
胚胎植入位置比較(子宮腔上1/2 vs.下1/2)

子宮腔上1/2 vs. 子宮腔下1/2


  Figure 2.

Figure 2.
Higher transfer: ultrasound-guided embryo transfer showing the tip of the catheter (arrowhead) inserted into the uterine cavity at a distance of 13 mm from the fundal endometrial surface.
  Figure 3.
Figure 3.
Lower transfer: ultrasound-guided embryo transfer showing the tip of the catheter (arrowhead) inserted into the uterine cavity at a distance of 17 mm from the fundal endometrial surface.

Best site for embryo transfer: the upper or lower half of endometrial cavity?

Table III.
Upper half × lower half: rates of implantation, clinical pregnancy, spontaneous abortion (≤12 weeks), ectopic pregnancy and ongoing pregnancy in the two groups studied
Group I: upper halfGroup II: lower halfP
Implantation rate16.0% (89/555)16.4% (87/530)0.86
Pregnancy rate/transfer35.0% (70/200)29.5% (59/200)0.28
Miscarriage rate15.7% (11/70)15.2% (9/59)1.00
Ectopic pregnancy rate1.4% (1/70)− (0/59)1.00
Ongoing pregnancy rate29% (58/200)25% (50/200)0.43

