
 對於 42 歲以上且僅存非整倍體胚胎的患者,鑲嵌染色體胚胎移植是比另外再施行IVF- PGT-A 週期更好的替代方案。

對於年齡小於 42 歲、無法進行額外施行IVF的患者,也應考慮鑲嵌染色體胚胎移植。 

2024 Mar;41(3):635-641.
 doi: 10.1007/s10815-024-03027-7. Epub 2024 Jan 17. Mosaic embryo transfer versus additional IVF with PGT-A Cycle: a decision model comparing live birth rate and cost
Mosaic embryo transfers are a superior alternative to an additional cycle of IVF with PGT-A for patients older than 42 whose only remaining embryos are non-euploid. Mosaic embryo transfers also should be considered for patients younger than 42 who are unable to pursue additional autologous IVF cycles

